Thursday 20 October 2011

Production Newspaper

We decided that we use a layout like the one above and this was would be our planned layout. We had also decided on the Main Headline which would be about a young local tennis star qualifying for Wimbledon. We would go down to the local tennis club and take some pictures of our chosen person in a tennis outfit and with a tennis racket. The Headline would be half interview and also half of an informative piece.

We decided to change our tennis idea and decided to go with a more serious story. We decided to go with a Kidnap story. We found a picture of a friend of ours and used it as the main picture on the front page. We also came up with ideas for a secondary story on the front page and also another big story on the second page. We had a few general idea's, we decided it would be quite a big story if a immigrant committed a serious crime. We also decided that we would use a smaller story on the front page and that it would be about grave robbery. We decided to use that story because it was quite an eye catching story and rare.

Here's what our main and secondary looked like when it was finished. It takes influences mainly from the Wigan Reporter, with the red and black colour scheme. We used a Kidnapping story and used a simple headline because we thought it would be more effective.

 We also took a picture of a graveyard from Orrell graveyard. We found a grave what looked slightly dug up so it fitted the story description.

We also decided that we would need to take pictures for our advertisements on both pages. We decided to include a competition on the front page, so we took a picture of some cash. We also created a logo for a local bakery on paint. We thought a logo would look more effective rather than a picture of some bread or a pie.

We also included a Local football score in the corner, we got this influence from other local newspapers which usually include a sprt related story on the front page.

We saw a lot of holiday advertisements in the local and national newspapers, so we decided that we would include a holiday advert on the second page. We used a picture from my Holiday to crotia of a luxury apartment. For the last advert we came up with the idea to advertise a adverture farm for children. We went to a local farm and took a picture of some horses that were on show.

Here are the advertisements used on the second page of our newspaper. Fun Farm and Wigan travel. We feel that these advertisements look realistic.

We decided to develop a story on a Polish rapist, we decided that this would be a controversial story. We took a picture of Ryan and portrayed him as the rapist. 

We then put all of these Story's and advertisements together to produce a final product of Wigan World Newspaper. Here it is

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Research Into Headlines

We came to the decision that we would do a sporting Headline but a positive one. Possibly a Local sportsman who has won a competition or is about to take part in something special e.g. Wimbledon , Golf Opens or a PPV boxing match.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Research Newspaper Posters

One of our tasks is to create a poster for our Newspaper. We looked at past blogs from Winstanley College and found the groups who did the same task as us. We found a very good poster for a local newspaper. It includes a slogan and a picture which matches the slogan, it looked very clever and effective. We noticed that the price seems to be very important, it is included on most Newspapers and it is also included on this poster. We notice that most Newspapers are kept cheap. The poster gave us some interesting idead for our own poster.

This is also another example of a Newspaper poster ad. The rainford observer, this also use a slogan and a picture to match the slogan which seems to be very effective.

Tuesday 27 September 2011


National Newspaper

We analysed The sun newspaper, and many other national newspapers such as The guardian, Daily mirror, Daily Mail and the Sunday Express. All had many similarities but also key differences to make their newspaper distinctive. We took "The Sun" as our main inspiration and decided we are going to use a similar lay out for sports and headlines.

Because we are doing a Local Newspaper we had to look to Wigan's local papers and how they set out their Newspapers. They use very similar layouts to the National Newspapers. But the advertisements and stories are obviously more local. After looking around for inspiration we came up with a Newspaper Name and Title Design. We only came up with one name because we were happy with our first choice.
Title Design
Wigan World was our choice and we came up with planned design for the Newspaper. We looked to The Sun for our main inspiration and took the red background idea. The next step was to come up with a slogan mainly to fit in the poster and radio ad but we would also fit it into the Newspaper to make ours stand out more. 'Bringing The World Closer To Home' we were quite lucky really we came to our decision on the slogan and title almost immediately, we knew these were the right choices straight away.


Project - Local Newspaper, Radio Advert for Newpaper, Poster for Newspaper.

Group - Tom Conway and Ryan Moore